Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mrs Panther Captured

Here is Ororo "Storm" Munroe who was at one time married to Black Panther ruler of Wakanda. I think if Marvel had not rushed into the wedding it might of work out. I think a lot of marriages would work out better with this advice. The marriage was annulled well she has been captured by one of the Panther's enemies and left as bait in some trap.

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice
    Well done
    Really like how the character's "minimum" bondage leaves her maximally exposed and helpless.
    Nice facial expression.
    That the blue gag matches her eyes is perfect
    The back ground details/jungle foliage really work here.
    Thank you for a great pic.
    As a aside I am very unhappy that the Black Panther /Storm marriage is over and very upset at the way Marvel accomplished this .
    Still I realize that they own the characters and can do whatever they like with them
    I think your observations on quick marriages are often valid -though I will always believe that this one could have worked.
