Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MOUSE TRAP Thea Sisters

This is Thea Stilton of Geronimo Stilton and Thea Stilton has been kidnapped.  Once again Thea now struggles in her underwear.

Thea Stilton is the main protagonist in the Thea Stilton series. She is Geronimo Stilton's younger sister and a special correspondent for The Rodent's Gazette.

One of her favorite adventures begins at Mouseford Academy, the school she went to when she was just a young mouseling. When she came back to teach a journalism class (when she was a grown mouse) she met five special mouselings. They liked her so much that they decided to name their group the Thea Sisters after her. Thea was so touched by that, so she decided to write about the famouse adventures of those five mice.

 This is Nicky of Geronimo Stilton spin off Thea Sisters has fallen victim in one of their mysteries.  Now the bad guys have bound and gagged in her underwear.

Nicky is an Australian mouse who is part of the Thea sisters, an adventurous group founded by Thea Stilton.  Nicky was born in Australia and came to Whale Island to study at Mouseford University.

Nicky is a brave young mouselet and loves nature. Although she is claustophobic and can't sit still, she is very dedicated to the rest of the Thea Sisters, and often preforms whatever dangerous stunts may be necessary such as the one she pulled of in "Mystery On the Orient Express"

 Here is Violet of Thea Sisters another sleuth has been bound and gagged.

Violet is a character in the Thea Stilton books, and is also a member of the Thea Sisters, an adventureous group founded by Thea Stilton.

After being raised in China, she continues her studies on journalism at Mouseford Academy on Whale Island. Along with her were four newfound friends; Paulina, Nicky, Colette, and Pamela.. Just like Geronimo, she is an intellectual and fascinated about books. She's a sensitive rodent, and will be ticked off if teased. She can ease up and cool down with a cup of green tea, but if she doesn't get enough sleep, she can be really grouchy.

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