Friday, December 30, 2022

UNCOVERED DiD Louise Belcher of Bob's Burgers


We have Louise Belcher of the animated series Bob's Burgers being kidnapped in the nude.

Louise Belcher is one of the central protagonists of Bob's Burgers.

She is the youngest member of the Belcher family. Her off-balance sense of humor and hunger for conflict makes her somewhat of a liability in the kitchen and often gets her family both into and/or out of tricky situations. Like her siblings, Gene and Tina, Louise goes to Wagstaff School.

Louise is a bright, mischievous, yet manipulative child, especially considering her place as the youngest in the family. Frequently seen giving her older siblings (and sometimes adults) advice and making quick-witted remarks, she displays many signs associated with high intelligence. These include her tendencies towards being aloof and manipulative, but also encompasses her cunning, logic, and problem solving skills. She also tends to be very loud and often shouts at the top of her lungs to get her points across.

Despite Louise's mischievous nature she is not generally malicious. Though she loves a good prank, she never aims to hurt anybody. Despite this, she has been known to go overboard in episodes like Topsy and Glued, Where's My Body?

Louise is shown to highly value her personal space and things and reacts with extreme prejudice when they are threatened. She even proclaimed that in the event of her death nobody was to touch her stuff and that she would leave it all to her ghost (It Snakes a Village). Many of her attachments are inanimate objects, especially her Kuchi Kopi night-light ( Bed & Breakfast, Crawl Space, and Flu-ouise). She is also reluctant to stop using her tricycle despite being too old for it ( As I Walk Through the Alley of the Shadow of Ramps).

Louise can pick-locks, steals from and tricks her siblings but is always ready to help them when they need it, because despite her unwillingness to admit it, she tends to have a soft spot for the people she cares about. Her recklessness is met with a heart of gold as she tends to help those in need, such as pulling down the pants of a bully who picked on Pocket Sized Rudy in Thelma & Louise Except Thelma is Linda. Louise doesn’t show affection often, but when she does it’s usually by coming up with plans to help people when they’re in a crunch.

She is also very protective of the people she cares about. She finds ways to avenge Gene in Drumforgiven, saying “Someone hurts you and my brain goes into destroy mode and I just want to (growls).” Jessica is another friend she is careful to protect, stepping in and saying “Jessica's getting mixed up with someone who's mixed up, and I don't want to let that happen,“ during Three Girls and Little Wharfy.

Louise is a fan of Japanese culture. She has many items of Kuchi Kopi merchandise including her favorite nightlight, toys that are based on Japanese folklore (Yōkai) creatures, and is a fan of the Hawk and Chick film franchise. She might also be interested in the Goth subculture, due to having spooky plush toys, animal skulls and watching Tim Burton films. Also, in The Frond Files, Louise is seen wearing goth clothing and multiple earrings on her bunny ears.

She can be something of a tomboy, often viewing typical "girly" things, like crushes, stickers, and dolls with disdain (Boyz 4 Now, Slumber Party).

Louise frequently slaps people. She does this when she dislikes someone (like Logan in Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise) or is attracted to a person ( like Boo Boo in Boyz 4 now and Bye Bye Boo Boo). She even slaps Regular Sized Rudy after their first kiss in Bob Actually. This could be inherited from her mother who seems to share the trait. In Burger Wars, Linda tells Bob to punch Jimmy Pesto “right in his handsome face.”

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