Thursday, December 13, 2018

COMMISSION YCH 37 Selfie Melanie Diamonds

This a commission I made with :iconlithiumlolita:  OPEN (limited slots) - YCH 37 - selfie  with OC Melanie Diamond taking a selfie to show best place to showcase her jewelry.  At least she of her clients.

Here is her description: Ms Diamond, a playful jewelry store owner that loves giving compliments almost as much as receiving them.

Melanie Diamond owns a jewellery store and one of sources of non-conflist diamonds is Corman Humboldt the owner of the Outer Here Hotel and has the paperwork proving they are legal diamonds.  In reality the diamonds are the by product of the aliens atomsphere control on the moon because the Outer Here Hotel is where aliens to help humanity develop.  Humboldt claims that one of his long term residents is a doomsday prepper and has diamonds for when the economy collapses.  The government 's Grey People forge the paperwork to show they are legal diamonds.

She is a talented jeweler and has stores in other cities.  She is mother of Crimson Puget who is friends with Humboldt's niece Gentoo  "Genny" Mangellic, she appreciates that because she worried her daughter was a little weird.  She can come off as compliment hound giving compliments in searching for compliments.  She designs both costume and real jewelry she really wants to add beauty to everyone, she believes her piece should accent the person's beauty not be the focus of attention.

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