Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Katherine Mulligan Uncovered


We have Katherine Mulligan of Nickelodeon's The Loud House bound and gagged while only wearing her boots.
Katherine Mulligan is a minor character in The Loud House. She is Royal Woods' residential news reporter.

Katherine speaks and acts like a stereotypical news reporter, even when she is off camera. She is always on the hunt for information and any news that she can broadcast, and is very sneaky due to her profession. She interviews people about their situations, but doesn't show any sympathy if they suffer. Her attitude annoys both interviewees and coworkers alike.

In "Butterfly Effect," she reported all sorts of activity that had been going on with the Loud sisters after the events that led to the family falling apart. She asked Lisa for comments about them, and Lisa reveals that she knows about them because they're her sisters, and lastly, she asks where it all went wrong.  Flip tried to stop the interview when she questioned why he hired Lisa to work at his gas station, but not before endorsing his products. However this was all Lincoln's fantasy, so this never happened.

She appears again in "Out on a Limo," where she wants to interview Lincoln for riding in his limo. She asks him how he got to be so important, and Lincoln didn't know how to answer that since he only won the limo for a day in a mustard jar contest. She later reports about his downfall after he loses the limo where Lincoln admits that he thought he was more important than everyone else only to reveal he was just a kid who ate a bunch of mustard. He asked for a ride home, but the reporter denied it and drove away.

She also appears in "The Loudest Yard," where she wants to talk to Lincoln about his latest play, but since all this time it was really Lynn secretly playing in his stead, he just made up a comment about it being in the past and him being about the future. The coach of the Royal Woods Roosters wanted her to get her cameraman to shoot some poses of him.

In "Snow Bored," she is seen on TV, alongside Tucker.  In "Future Tense," she reports on The Yates Family rescuing turtles.  In "Scales of Justice" where her full name is revealed to be Katherine Mulligan, she covers the story of the swamp monster that Lana secretly orchestrates.  In "Racing Hearts," she can be seen talking into a camera. In "Cooked," she was on TV talking about a "tree monster" and later interviewed Lynn Sr. at his restaurant after Lucy invited her for a restaurant promotion. In "Last Loud on Earth," Katherine was among the people at the Royal Woods Mall due to an approaching storm. She came out with the Loud Family, Bud Grouse, and Mayor Davis at the time when Lincoln and Clyde mistook a cold-infested Lynn Sr. Howard, and Harold as zombies. When the boys mentioned that they were watching the "Swarm of the Zombies" marathon in Lisa's Underground Bunker and Lisa asked how they got in it, Katherine was among the people present that state that her passcode is her birthday. She tries a cookie Clyde baked in "Tough Cookies" after it falls on her head while reporting on an event. In "Family Bonding," she appears on TV congratulating Lincoln and Clyde for foiling the Millers' scheme of destroying all the cherries in Royal Woods.

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