Thursday, June 24, 2021

Sandi Griffith's Orgasm Torture Session


We have Sandi Griffin of MTV's Daria bound and gagged into the Orgasm Torture Machine.

Sandi Griffin, usually just called "Sandi", is the secondary antagonist from the animated show Daria. Sandi is the head the "Fashion Club", as they call themselves, a group of girls at Lawndale High who use fashion dos and don'ts as an excuse for social elitism. While all the girls in the club are portrayed as vastly shallow and function as a collective antagonist, Sandi is the central bad influence of the group and arch-nemesis to Daria's sister, Quinn.

She was voiced by Janie Mertz.

In fifth grade, she had braces and she doesn't want anyone at Lawndale High to know about this ("Lucky Strike"). (Either she went to a different elementary school to most of her peers or they've forgotten about it)

Sandi went to "Gle field Middle School. She volunteered for the school's dance committee, which was a massive disaster - particularly with her bratty brothers deliberately damaging stuff - and this put her off volunteering for life; her mother simply told her, smugly, "to volunteer is to say, 'use me'".  ("Daria Dance Party")

She said she founded Lawndale High's Fashion Club. Since Daria arrived early into Sandi's first year at Lawndale and the club already existed, Sandi must have done this very early on.

For years, she had a cat called Fluffy.

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