Sunday, November 14, 2021

HUNTER'S MOON Zenyatta Dressage as Sailor Mercury

This is for :iconvladen13:'s Hunters Moon 2021 for Halloween there was a party next to an old graveyard.   Things are getting weird for my OCs and have been grabbed by some mysterious force.  It seems that even the dead are party poopers.

This is horse OC Zenyatta Dressage came dress as Sailor Mercury of Sailor Moon franchise.  It seems that even magical girls are not immune to whatever is kidnapping them.  This was one that chosen for the jam.

Sailor Mercury in Japan, is a fictional lead character in the Sailor Moon media franchise. The alternate identity of Ami Mizuno (Amy Mizuno in the English adaptations), a teenage Japanese schoolgirl, she belongs to the "Sailor Senshi", female supernatural fighters who the franchise's main girl characters transform into to fulfill their duty of protecting the Solar System and the franchise's eponymous protagonist from evil. Sailor Mercury is the first Sailor Senshi to be discovered by Sailor Moon, and serves as the "brains" of the group. She possesses powers associated with water, is highly intelligent, and can use a supercomputer to collect information on various battle factors. Aside from the main body of the Sailor Moon series, Ami features in her own short story in the manga, Ami's First Love. Originally published in volume fourteen of the manga, this was the only of three "Exam Battle" stories to be made into a "Special" for the anime. A number of image songs mentioning Ami's character have been released as well, including the contents of three different 3-inch CD singles.


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