We have Kent Lastname of Family Guy episode "Friends With No Benefits" being kidnapped in his underwear and going to the villain's slumber party.
Kent Lastname is a kid who goes to James Woods Regional High School. Meg was in love with him, but it turned out he was gay.
Kent Lastname attended James Woods Regional High School in the episode "Friends Without Benefits," and joined the school football team. Meg had a raging crush on him, for he was not only sexy af, but also shared an almost infinite amount of personality traits with her. These traits, being the ones that she's repressing. He was sporty, smart, musical, and loved all the same media she did, like Nickelodeon, Degrassi, Glee, and Robocop. Her love drove her crazy and eventually, she just couldn't handle it anymore and realized, she had to talk to Kent. She called him over the phone and tried to remind him of her. He had no idea who she was until she mentioned there being a FaceBook campaign to get her to kill herself. He gladly accepting meeting up with her and he did. After a fantastic night out, Meg asked Kent out on a date, only to be rejected. Kent told her that he was gay and had a crush on her brother, Chris. Meg was disappointed, and Stewie, who overheard this, thought that by "your brother", he was talking about him. Meg went insane and vowed to make Kent realize he was straight.
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