Saturday, December 21, 2024

KINKMAS DAY-4 Wrapping


This is for Pyperhaylie art jam Twelve Days of Kinkmas 2023 (I know a bit late, but my life is hectic). We have Penelope Langs of Cartoon Network's Atomic Betty being a very tightly wrapped gift for someone.

Penelope Lang (Catherine Disher) is Betty's self-obsessed, heartless rival on Earth, who thinks of herself as the most popular girl at her school. Her favorite pasttime is ridiculing the other students, Betty and Noah in particular. She is rich, spoiled, and often uses her popularity or wealth to undermine Betty's social standing, a plan that inevitably goes wrong and violently backfires on Penelope every time. She is usually seen with two sidekicks named Megan and Sarah. She’s used to getting her own way — even if it means stepping all over other people. In fact, she enjoys getting her own way more if she has to step over other people to do so. In "Bracelet Yourself", she tampered with Betty's bracelet which is property of the Galactic Guardians and caused the Starcruiser to lose control. She also seems to not hate, but despise Betty enough to be violent, for in "Pre-Teen Queen of Outerspace", she attempts to kill Betty and her friends, though she thinks it is just a dream. Being Betty's rival, she also dislikes Noah just about as much as she dislikes Betty. Though she has come close to discovering the existence of the Galactic Guardians, having stolen Betty's bracelet in "Bracelet Yourself" and even having tampered with and in Power of the Pharaoh, read out of Betty's own "captain's log" (this causes people to think that Betty is a science fiction author), she quickly dismisses all of the evidence. She doesn't believe the evidence are real.

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