Friday, September 20, 2024



This is a request by Dragon123r for Vice Admiral Amily Holdo (Laura Dern) of the Star Wars franchise being bound and gagged by the forces of First Order.

Amilyn Holdo was a humn female politician, military commander, and freedom fighter who served in both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Resistance. Known for her unconventional strategy and eccentric style, she was an early participant in the rebellion against the Galatic Empire and a lifelong friend and ally to rebel leader Leia Organa of Alderaan. In the early days of the First Order-Resistance War, Holdo became  commanding officer of the Resistance fleet as it fled the overwhelming might of the First Order Navy. Her leadership in that role saved the Resistance and many of its heroes when she executed a historic suicide attack on the First Order fleet, later dubbed the Holdo maneuver.

A native of the planet Gatalenta, Amilyn Holdo had an early career in public service as a delegate to the Imperial Apprentice Legislature program. During her term, Holdo was notably critical of oppressive Imperial policy and developed a close relationship with the like-minded Alderaanian Princess  Leia Organa. Through Organa, she became involved in the operations of  the insurgent Rebel Alliance in opposition to the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Although she initially served as a civil minister, Holdo proved herself as a capable martial commander and was granted an officer's commission in the Alliance Fleet.

Decades after the Alliance's victory  over the Empire, Holdo was again recruited by Organa—this time to join  her paramilitary Resistance movement against the rise of the  neo-Imperial First Order. Holdo served then-General Organa during the Cold War as a vice admiral of the Resistance fleet, undertaking clandestine missions to prepare for open war. After the war erupted in 34 ABY, Resistance High Command was decimated, leaving Holdo as the highest ranking officer in charge of the remaining Resistance forces as they fled from the pursuing First Order armada and its mobile headquarters, the Supremacy.

Unable to escape into hyperspace and low on fuel, the remaining Resistance personnel consolidated under Holdo's command aboard the flagship star cruiser Raddus. Holdo's singular focus on escape was controversial among some younger soldiers like Captain Poe Dameron, but the vice admiral successfully led the Resistance to the mineral world of Crait, where she intended to sneak the survivors to the surface aboard cloaked Transports.  Due to an information leak during an attempted mutiny, the First Order  ascertained her plan and destroyed nearly all of the Resistance  transports. In a stunning act of sacrifice, Holdo saved the Resistance  from complete obliteration by jumping the Raddus directly into the First Order fleet, resulting in a lightspeed collision that destroyed the Resistance flagship, the Supremacy, and twenty Star Destroyers. Holdo's actions allowed the remnants of the Resistance to escape, ensuring the continuation of an organized opposition to the First Order's fascist regime.

Laura Dern was born on February 10, 1967 in Los Angeles, the daughter of actors Bruce Dern and Diane Ladd. Dern was exposed to movie sets and the movie industry from infancy, and obtained several bit parts as a child. Her parents divorced when Dern was two and Dern lost contact with her father for several years as a result.

Her parents' background and her own early taste of the movie-making world soon convinced the young Dern to pursue acting herself. Like so many young actors, her decision may have been influenced by social awkwardness -- the child of 1960s counterculture parents, she was steeped in Eastern mysticism and political radicalism, and was seen as an oddball by her more conservative classmates. Even before her teens, she had achieved most of her impressive 5' 10" height and was rail-skinny with a slouching posture.. Perhaps the nine-year-old Dern found refuge by studying acting at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute.

The first success for the young Dern came in 1980, with a role in Adrian Lyne's Foxes (1980), a teen movie starring  Jodie Foster. She followed this with several small parts, or parts in small movies, such as Ladies and Gentleman, the Fabulous Stains (1982) and Teachers (1984), as a student who has an affair with a teacher. (Her mother objected to her active presence on movie sets at age thirteen, which required Dern to sue for emancipation so she could play her role in "The Fabulous Stains"). Her next roles, as the blind girl who befriends the deformed boy in Mask (1985), and as a teen-aged girl whose sexual awakening collides with a mysterious older man in Smooth Talk (1985), gave her career an important boost. Dern appeared to have made it with a leading role in David Lynch's acclaimed Blue Velvet (1986), but it was four years before her next notable film, and this was the bizarre Wild at Heart (1990), also directed by Lynch.

The following year, Dern starred in Rambling Rose (1991), which would become her signature performance, as a sexually-precocious, free-spirited young housemaid in the South in the 1930s. Dern earned an Oscar nomination for her performance, and so did her mother and co-star, Diane Ladd. Dern continues to win prominent roles on the big screen, often in smaller, highly-regarded human dramas such as October Sky (1999), I Am Sam (1999) and We Don't Live Here Anymore (2004), although she is perhaps most widely known for her repeat role as Ellie Sattler in the summer adventure movies Jurassic Park (1993) and Jurassic Park III (2001), or for her guest performance on Ellen (1994), as the woman to whom Ellen finally comes out as a lesbian.

Dern's pre-teen gawkiness matured into lithe beauty, but this doesn't prevent Dern from fearlessly throwing herself into a wide variety of roles which are sometimes unflattering, an excellent example being her unflinchingly comic portrayal of an intensely annoying loser whose pregnancy becomes a social and political football in Citizen Ruth (1996). This results in Dern being one of the most interesting actors working in Hollywood today.

Having previously dated such Hollywood talent as Treat Williams, Renny Harlin, Kyle MacLachlan, Jeff Goldblum and Billy Bob Thorton, Dern eventually married musician Ben Harper in 2005. Early in her career, Dern was roommate to Marianne Williamson, the spirituality guru. Dern attended two days of college at UCLA and one semester at USC.

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