Sunday, September 22, 2024



This is a request by KattTOMA2  for some cartoon cuties being bound and gagged in catsuits. We have Little Red of The Magical Mystery Trip Through Little Red's Head being kidnapped in a cat suit.

Little Red is a character from the ABC Afterschool Special,  "The Magical Mystery Trip Through Little Red's Head". She is the older  sister of Larry and Carol. She is a more modernized take of Little Red Reding Hood, of which this adaptation of the story is in the subplot. She was voiced by Sarah Kennedy.

Little Red is first seen sleeping in bed as her little siblings,  Larry and Carol, watch her. Larry and Carol are discussing whether they  should follow her to their grandmother's house despite their mom's  wishes for them not to do so. Then, they hear a voice, which gets their  attention. The voice comes from someone known as Timer, who is tiny and  the siblings find him on Little Red's pillow. He introduces himself to  the kids and takes them on a tour inside Little Red's mind in order for  them to understand her better.

After the kids have been shrunken down to  his size, they end up in her hair. Carol ends up getting separated from  Timer and Larry, and she meets the conjoined twins, I'm and Me, who  together are known as Choice. They explain that they represent any two  choices that Little Red tries to make and whatever two feelings at the  moment she must choose to feel. After Timer and Larry reunite with  Carol, Timer informs the siblings that he feels his built-in clock about  to sound off and that they must leave right away, as Little Red is  about to awaken, and she does as she hears and notices a bird singing  outside her bedroom window. Timer, Larry, and Carol then head to a part  of Little Red that deals with the senses. They meet Squirter, who is  responsible for keeping that running. They all look at a monitor, which  are Little Red's eyes. He mentions the five senses, as each of them show  what Little Red is doing: Sight (looking at herself in a mirror),  hearing (her listening to some music through a cassette player's  earphones), smell (her sniffing the aroma coming from a toaster), taste  (eating a slice of toast), and touch (her petting her cat).

Later, Little Red leaves her house and heads to her grandma's  house. Her mom tells her to be careful out there and asks if she's sure  she doesn't want her siblings accompanying her. Little Red declines the  opportunity. She thinks she'll be alright on her own at first, but as  she walks through the woods and hears a noise, she begins having second  thoughts, and maybe even doubts herself. Suddenly, she feels a bump and  falls on the ground as a policeman named Sheriff Bill and his son, Stephen,  who is also a cop, accidentally run into her. Sheriff Bill apologizes  to her and he introduces himself, and Stephen, to her. They ask her  where she's going and she tells them she's on her way to her grandma's  house. Sheriff Bill asks her if she's heard about a critter prowling around the area and warns her to be on the lookout for him.  That critter happens to be a wolf, who little does Little Red know, is  lurking about and listening to their conversation. She tells them her  grandma's house is at the end of the path and it has a polka dot  chimney. Sheriff Bill repeats that and asks quizzically, but she says  that her "grandma has always been a little far out". Sheriff Bill offers  for Stephen to escort her there. Stephen and Little Red each ask,  "Me?", both of them blushing a deep red, as at that moment, Little Red's  complexion is nearly as red as her hair. Then a song about the feelings  of teenage love is played. Afterwards, Little Red thanks them for the  offer, but insists she'll be fine and continues on her own before she  and the father-and-son duo go their separate ways.

Little Red arrives at her grandma's house and knocks on the door.  But rather than her grandma, it's actually the wolf in bed, disguised  as her grandma. As the wolf attempts to disguise his real voice, he  tells her to come in and she does. Little Red looks around the room and  comments on how dark it is, then asks what that noise behind a door is.  The wolf, still pretending to be her grandma, gives an excuse for each  of those. Little Red then asks why her fake grandma would wear  sunglasses when there's no sun in the room, gradually growing more  suspicious. Meanwhile, in another control room inside her mind, Larry  and Carol meet Col. Fripp von Neuron, who is in charge of the control  room that has to do with the glands and the instinctive reactions. The  kids also meet his assistant, See-More, and Adeline, who is responsible  for loading the spheres that set off her actions and reactions. When  Little Red comments on her faux grandma's voice sounding odd, the wolf  says he has a cold before revealing his true self to her and chases  Little Red around the room. She runs around frantically and is so  panic-stricken, she forgets what to do to save herself. At one point,  she runs in place. In her panicked state, this is because everybody who  is responsible for what goes on in her mind is running around hectically  as they aren't sure what to do, and Adeline freezes. Carol thinks fast  and knows what to do. She manages to get Adeline to get the part of  Little Red's system that reacts operating again. Once that's done,  Little Red comes to a stop, becoming cool, calm, and collected. She uses  her karate moves on the wolf as when he tries to catch her, she grabs  him and throws him aside. When the wolf tries again while looking she's  looking at herself in a mirror fixing her hair, he attempts to get her  from behind this time, only for her to kick him backwards, and he is  defeated. Then, there is a knock on the door. Little Red answers and it  turns out to be Sheriff Bill and Stephen who have come to check on her.  Little Red's real grandma comes as well as Little Red tells her she's so  glad she's alright and the wolf is about to be apprehended.

After saying goodbye to Timer, Larry and Carol are returned to  their normal sizes and are back at their house. They have a newfound and  better understanding of their big sister. Little Red arrives back home  as well as the siblings greet each other. As they are reunited and head  inside their house, Larry begins telling her the story of the adventure  he and Carol had.

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