Friday, September 20, 2024


 We have Spider-Queen, Ana Soria, of Marvel's Spider-Man bound and gagged in a bikini.

Spider-Queen (Adriana "Ana" Soria) joined the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps in the early days of World War II. Fearing  that America was not powerful enough to contain Japanese and Soviet  ambitions, efforts were made late in the war to resume the super-soldier  experiments that had produced Captain America. Genetically likely candidates were selected from among U.S. ranks, and drafted into aspecial unit of the U.S. Marine Corps as part of Operation Crossroads. Soria subsequently became the first female marine to go into combat.

At one point, Soria's unit was lined up along the Bikini Atoll to absorb the radiation of ongoing nuclear weapons tests in the hopes it would activate any latent abilities they might possess. None of the subjects were properly informed of this before the experiment began. Most subjects soon perished from radiation poisoning, while the stress on Ana's metabolism drove her insane. Soria's abilities did not surface immediately, and the experiment was ruled a failure. She spent several years in an asylum before breaking out and going underground in the 1950s. In 1954, she kidnapped professor David Jaffe, the scientist in charge of Operation Crossroads.

In 2004 she appeared in New York City, calling herself "The Queen" and in full command of her abilities. She occupied a Manhattan highrise as her "hive," where she surrounded herself with human drones. Captain America and Spider-Man investigated. Spider-Man had the insect gene, and could not resist Soria's control. Soria selected Spider-Man as her mate, and infected him with a mutagenic enzyme through her kiss. Soria forced several of her drones to jump to their deaths in an effort to break Spider-Man's will, and SHIELD launched an unsuccessful attack before Captain America caused Soria to fall from the building.

The Queen survived, and gathered a new army of drones and built an underground laboratory in Manhattan's subway system. Meanwhile, the mutagenic enzyme gradually gave Spider-Man the form of a real spider, with four eyes, eight limbs, and fangs. Professor Jaffe was put to work building a bomb that would disrupt human cognitive processes, similar to one developed by the United States during the Cold War. The bomb would spare most lifeforms, including insects, but kill humans lacking the insect gene. When the bomb was ready, Soria issued an warning: evacuate everyone within a 600 miles radius.

Spider-Man was instinctively drawn to the Queen, who subdued him and held him captive while he completed his transformation into a giant spider. The spider had been engineered to give birth to her offspring, but died due to complications arising from the rapid metamorphosis.

In a fit of rage, Ana destroyed the laboratory with her telekinetic powers, and ordered her drones to activate the bomb. Ana left before she could see the spider's husk split open, revealing a reborn Peter Parker. Parker was for the most part unchanged, but seemed to gain additional spider-like characteristics. Spider-Man managed to disarm the bomb, and Ana seems to have been killed in an unrelated explosion when SHIELD attacked her subterranean base.

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